The invisible man

Her calm and cold manner is beyond reproach
Unsmilingly following the path of duty
Difficult to know, yet hard to approach
Unaware of her unassuming beauty
Dealing with problems with finest precision
The life lived alone, well that suits her just fine
Controlling her world without indecision
Then why do I want her, need her in mine?

Long dark hair and eyes that see through me
Dreaming of her every time I close mine
It seems I’ve spent half an eternity
Living in shadows bereft of sunshine
For once in my life I want to be noticed
To see her smile when i walk into the room
I’m the invisible man, I just don’t exist
A seed of desire that’s unable to bloom

So you will move on to faraway places
Leave me behind even though you don’t know
Maybe one day you will remember the faces
That you left behind when you decided to go
Perhaps you will wonder what you left behind you
Having chosen your freedom over the shackles of man
Maybe you will discover that love does have value
I hope it will find you one day if it can


A time of ending
A bitter truth
To give up defending
The mistakes of youth
That somehow became
Vagaries of age
Still burns the flame
Consumed by the rage
Haunted by history
No use pretending
There’s no real mystery
In a time of an ending

Beginnings were so sweet
Joys held precious inside
Swept off your feet
A beautiful bride
Remember those days
Tears sting her eyes
So many ways
To bury the lies
Some from your peers
But most from yourself
A dusty book of the years
On your own bookshelf

Romantic notions
Buried and lost
In life’s great oceans
Where dreams are tossed
Swamped by the waves
Drowned in tears
We are all slaves
To the passing of years
We paint smiles on our faces
Though doom is impending
And we seek out our places
And times of an ending

Where Eagles sing

He returned to gaze on the mountains high
Snow tipped peaks that scraped the sky
Beautiful yet deadly in their majesty
Uncaring of the passing humanity
Who in the mountains shadow live and die
some in this shadow still must lie
And some have carried loss from the past
Returned to face their pain at last

Replay those memories from a childhood day
When life or death was a game to play
When two climbed that mountain wall
One returned, one not at all
One always lost, one never found
Somewhere on that frosty ground
Should mournful weary souls decry
There still his white bones must lie
Entrapped by wild flowers roots and stem
Where eagles sing his requiem

He gazed upon that mountain high
Where such forbidden secrets lie
Of the two, he was the truly lost
Left behind but at what cost
In his dreams memories abound
And a friendship lost cries to be found
He heeds the call with weeping eyes
The child he once was replies
He knew he would climb the mountain again
Where Eagles sing a requiem

In to the fire

Where the hunger is
Where the desire
Born in desperation
Raised from the mire
Struggle through life to
Raise themselves higher
But we’re all running
Into the fire

Twisting and turning
No avoiding our fate
Feeling the burning
Is this love or hate?
The struggle consuming
You’re beginning to tire
But you can’t stop running
Into the fire

Feeling so alone?
It’s part of the game
Without a sweet lover
There’s no-one to blame
Baby, If you want me
Look to the funeral pyre
I’ll be dancing like a flame
Into the fire

Again and Again….

He reaches out and puts his arm on her shoulder
Pulls her close and into his space
She trembled as the darkness enfolds her
As she sees the look on his face
He kisses her hair and whispers his guarantees
“No one will love you as much as I could”
He puts his hands around her neck and started to squeeze
Somewhere an owl hooted deep in the wood
The moon and the stars conspired for romance
Heedless of those that hunt by their light
Young lovers caught up in the passions of loves dance
Unaware of the monsters that crawl in the night

He laid her down gently in the heather
Kissed her lips in whispered goodbyes
Promised her that they would always be together
The moonlight reflected from her open eyes
He thought it was no more than he deserved
The love he offered was always the best
Such love, he mused, should be unreserved
Such unspoilt memories to take to her rest.
And the moon and the stars kept on shining
Uncaring of ill deeds done under their light
But it’s not natures way to be redefining
The role evil plays in the heart of the night

Another town and in another bar
Another hopeful smile exchanged
Two hearts beating under another star
One mind remains deranged
And so the world keeps on turning
A desperate lovelorn dance
Lonely hearts keep on yearning
Playing a game of chance
And the moon and the stars oversee all
Illuminating all the sins of men
Bedevilled in the grip of another nightfall
The record starts playing…again and again..

In the midnight hour

In the midnight hour
She lies awake and cannot sleep
She’s lived her life in an ivory tower
But now she’s just counting sheep
She wonders how she got life so wrong
How she ended up so alone
Ponders until the blackbirds song
Restores the sun to its throne

In the midnight hour
Her melancholy a dark abyss
Praying to a higher power
That there’s more to life than this
She stares out of the window
Eyes reflections of the moon
Hours passing by but oh so slow
The dawn must be coming soon

In the midnight hour
She remembering how love felt
How it would grow inside and overpower
Until it felt that her heart would melt
She yearns to taste that love again
To feel it bloom in her heart like a flower
But all she has is loneliness and pain
To see her through the midnight hour.

Copyright Tallisman 2022

Man in the moon

This poem was inspired by reading a lovely poem by Jay Maria Simpson called The Silent Vision. Jay has kindly allowed me to link back to it.

20th May 2023. StoryStars story of the day!

Watch the moon, does he smile
Will he hold your heart a while?
Take the pain, hold it tight
Diffuse it through his pale moonlight
But dawn will come and all reborn
My heart returned to be forlorn
My memories also will renew
And I can see the face of you..

Bitter tears, so well remembered
Bitter love so well dismembered
Torn apart, ravaged and spurned
But oh so deeply I have yearned
I curse the dawn and miss the night
Look for oblivion in cold moonlight
But dawn colours the sky in autumnal hue
And I can taste the scent of you..

The rising sun will bring no heat
It brings the taste of bittersweet
It’s rays of gold darken my heart
It’s shadows a perfect counterpart
For how can I welcome the day
My life just mournful shades of grey
On the roses glistens morning dew
Memories of the tears I cried for you

Fly in the storm

There are those who stand together
And others who drift apart
Bonds supposed to last forever
Crumble from the start
For some they follow their own creeds
Others follow their own desires
Some take depending on their needs
Others what their greed requires
Some pray to a God that’s benign
Others to a God that rages
Some live life to their own design
Some live their life in cages
Some worship only what they see
Others only what they are taught
Finding religion in imagery
Or salvation in theological thought
Some cry for a past that’s not forgiven
Some weep for futures pending
For the path that on which we’re driven
Leads only to an ending
Some laugh in the face of fate
Some whisper in the wind
Some love where others hate
Some pray where others sinned
We are but a single drop of rain
In a storm battering eternity’s shore
A fly caught in a hurricane
Then lost for evermore

The song

She sings her songs in the silence
Her voice so strong and free
Her words for a while a sweet pretence
An echo of normality
Her words are that of sadness
Lost loves, lost hopes, lost lives
She sings among the madness
Brings unexpected tears to my eyes
I don’t know who is singing
But her voice breaks my heart
For a moment hope is clinging
And my soul shatters apart
Inevitably the song was ended
Life continues as before
For a moment in time I pretended
Life was worth living for
I long to hear that voice again
To revel in it once more
In a world so cold and inhumane
I felt my spirit soar
Floating high upon her sweet song
To where the Gods hold sway
Losing briefly all thats wrong
Feel my worries fall away
Maybe I heard an Angel sing
And into paradise trod
And for the flutter of an Angels wing
I tasted the scent of God.